As Energy Efficiency experts, we have been serving Manitoba’s homeowners and home building community for over 20 years
prairieHOUSE specializes in EnerGuide Rating System (ERS) energy modelling and labelling for existing and new homes.
We provide consultation services that include airtightness testing, forensic investigation of building performance problems, build/renovation advice, mechanical equipment selection and sizing guidance, carbon footprint analysis, and assistance navigating building codes.
prairieHOUSE provides professional consultation, testing, and evaluation of energy performance for homeowners and home builders
Rebate & Loan Programs
The Federal & Provincial governments have various programs available for renovating existing homes to improve their energy efficiency, as well as increasing the energy performance on new construction.
Own an existing Home?
The Canada Greener Homes Program has two streams: The Greener Homes Grant and Greener Homes Loan.
The Greener Home Grant is up to $5000 back for energy efficiency upgrades to your home (Closed to new applications as of April 2024)
The Greener Homes Loan is an up to $40,000 interest-free loan for eligible energy efficiency upgrades
Efficiency Manitoba offers two rebate streams:
Energy Efficiency Rebates are available for insulation, windows, heat pumps, solar PV, etc.
Home Energy Retrofit Program looks at your homes energy use and provides a rebate based on the improvement from various upgrades using EnerGuide Rating System Evaluations
CMHC, SAGEN, and GAURANTY offer rebates on your mortgage insurance premiums for homeowners that purchase energy efficient homes.
There are two ways to access the rebates, energy performance or estimated Greenhouse Gas Emissions
You could receive a rebate of up to 25% back on your premiums!
Building a new home?
The New Homes Program offers up to $15,000 in rebates to home builders who include energy efficient upgrades into their designs.
The energy modelled performance of the home will determine if it is eligible for the program.
CMHC, SAGEN, and GAURANTY offer rebates on your mortgage insurance premiums for homeowners that purchase energy efficient homes.
There are two ways to access the rebates, energy performance or estimated Greenhouse Gas Emissions
You could receive a rebate of up to 25% back on your premiums!
CMHC offers up funding for non-profit and mutli-family builders who are including energy efficiency into their design.
Eligibility is based the energy modelled performance of the building.
Programs include the Affordable Housing Fund and MLI Select