Home Builder Incentives

Efficiency Manitoba New Homes Program

Benchmark against current and future energy codes

Efficiency Manitoba’s New Homes Program is for homebuilders of single family and multi-family residential buildings. The program rewards energy efficiency investments with rebates between $2,000 and $15,000, as well as free airtightness testing and additional rebates for energy modelling.

prairieHOUSE Performance is the contracted provider for all energy modelling, airtightness testing, and EnerGuide Labelling services for the New Homes Program.

You will work with us to review your building plans and energy efficiency goals, where we provide catered advice and strategies to meet eligibility for the rebate levels in the New Homes Program

Some of the benefits of the program include:

  • EnerGuide Labels for your build

  • Free airtightness testing

  • Energy code compliance

  • Optimization analysis and energy code benchmarking

  • Certification and marketing support from Efficiency Manitoba

New Homes Program rebate levels can be reviewed HERE

There a few steps involved involved in applying to the program:

  • We work with you on your buildings energy design to determine if it is eligible for the New Homes Program.

    Eligiblity is based on the buildings estimated energy improvement. The improvement must be 25% or better performing over the minimum energy code to qualify for rebates.

    We use energy modelling to determine if the project is eligible and will work with you to find opportunities to meet eligiblity or reach higher rebate levels.

  • Once we have provided you with an Estimated Performance Summary with a performance level that meets the eligibility of the New Homes Program, you can apply and get approval online:

    New Homes Program

  • When the build is complete, we will schedule a site visit with you.

    We will document and confirm all building details, as well as complete an airtightness test to assess the performance of the envelope of the building.

    The reports from this testing determines your final rebate level

  • Once everything has been submitted to Efficiency Manitoba, you will receive your rebate, EnerGuide Label, and certification from Efficiency Manitoba

**Please reach out to Efficiency Manitoba’s team to determine the eligibility of your project. For all program details, refer to the New Homes Program

Achieve building performance targets, prepare for building code changes, reduce call-backs, and increase customer satisfaction

Mortgage Insurance Premium Rebates

On an average insured house this could be over $5000 in rebates.

When building a new home, you or your homeowners may be eligible for a rebate of up to 25% off your mortgage insurance premiums.

On an average insured house this could be over $5000 in rebates.

Currently, There are three Mortgage Insurance providers offering these rebate:

In order to be eligible for the rebate programs, the house must be tested and meet one of two criteria. Its estimated performance level OR its estimated Greenhouse Gas use.

Estimated Performance Level: For houses that have been built above the minimum energy code, the house needs to perform 20% better than if was built to 2015 building code minimums.

Estimated Greenhouse Gas Use: The house needs to be estimated to use less than 3.5 Tonnes/Annually. If you have an electrically heated home, you will likely be eligible under this criteria.

The main ways to test the house for eligibility is by one of our Energy Advisors completing an EnerGuide Evaluation. The reports provided by the evaluation are accepted by all three providers as proof of eligibility.

CMHC - MLI Select

MLI Select is an incentive for builders and owners of Multi-unit residential buildings to access reduced premiums and extended amortization periods. The program uses a point systems that can be accessed by incorporating energy efficiency, affordability, or accessibility measures into the build.

prairieHOUSE can provide testing and documentation needed for all eligiible Part 9 multi-unit buildings.

A minimum of 50 points is required to access incentives, and it can be reached through a combination of any of the three measures. Learn more about MLI Select requirements.

To access the program through the energy efficiency stream, you must complete an EnerGuide Rating System evaluation to determine if it is eligible. Criteria for eligibility is:

  • The building must be estimated to perform at least 20% better than if built to 2015 National Building Code minimum in order to access points.

    20% Better than code = 20 points

    25% Better than code = 35 Points

    40% Better than code = 50 points

  • To access the incentives, the building must reduce its estimates greenhouse gas usage and energy use by a minimum of 15%.

    A preliminary Energuide Evaluation will determine the baseline energy usage of the building. Once the renovations are complete, the building will be tested to determine its the improvement level.

    15% Reduction = 20 Points

    25% Reduction = 35 Points

    40% Reduction = 50 Points

For all other eligibility requirements, refer to the MLI Select website

CMHC Affordable Housing Fund

CMHC’s Affordable Housing Fund is designed for builders of Single and Multi-family residential buildings where they are seeking access to capital for building affordable units. Part of the energy efficiency requirements is to meet a 25% performance level better than base building code.

Our Energy Advisors provide EnerGuide Evaluations that help determine the performance level of your build, catered solutions to meet the eligiblity requirements, and the reports for your application.

More information about the Affordable Housing Fund